Declutter your mind

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

Clutter in the home often creates clutter in the mind – especially if that clutter has taken over. Organising your space can help reduce stress and anxiety. It is impossible to eliminate stress and anxiety completely, but you can reduce negative emotions from controlling your life. Following these few tips will help you declutter and organise your home.


To become more organised, only keep what you really need. Having fewer possessions means you will enjoy those things more and feel better about the things you do own.

It’s easy for the house to become messy when items don’t have a designated home. Be creative and make easy to access storage spaces for the things you use all the time. Never have a space for miscellaneous items as clutter can quickly build up.


Find time each week to refresh the house and make sure everything is in its correct place. If you come across things you haven’t used in a while, chances are you won’t use them again.


It’s all too easy to leave a basket of clean laundry on the stairs to be put away ‘later’. By the time later comes around you’ve done another 2 loads and now the thought of putting it all away is overwhelming. Put in the effort to get things done as soon as possible, the longer you wait to do something, the more difficult it will be to get it done.


Studies have shown that people perform better when they have written down what they need to do. Keeping lists can help reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier for you to relax.

To-do lists

Make a list of the things that need doing and stick to it. To keep motivated, you could reward yourself with a glass of wine at the end of the week if you have stuck to your daily chores.

Meal plans

Meal plans help reduce stress and anxiety whilst saving you time and money. Once a week take half an hour out to plan your meals a week in advance – including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. When you do go food shopping, only buy what you need. Multi-buy offers can be tempting, but unless you have included them in your meal plan, or have space for them in the freezer, chances are they will end up going to waste.


Without budgeting, it’s too easy to splurge on impulse purchases soon after pay day. This may make you feel good for a short amount of time, but as the month goes on you can find yourself struggling to pay bills and make ends meet. At the beginning of every month, list your income and outgoings. Allow a set amount for food shopping and any extras you may need that month (birthdays, healthcare appointments etc.). Any money left over is yours to do as you please - without the feeling of guilt.